Thursday 20 March 2014

Visitors of The Museum - Spring fair

Yesterday the museum curators took some of the artefacts to the Country Living Spring Fair at the Business Design Centre in Islington, London. We are pleased to say that we had an excellent time and the pieces on show received some excellent feedback. Thank you to all who took a business card and have logged on to see the Museum blog. We hope to get the gift shop up and running soon - but until then - please email us with any feedback, ideas or questions!

Saturday 15 March 2014

Edge Clipper

200 cards for museum stock have been painstakingly edge clipped to give lovely rounded corners. As you can see in the background the Museum handy man has been making some wooden props, fittings and fixtures...

Thursday 13 March 2014

Finishing touches

The team have been working out which coloured brooches to match up with the coloured screen prints - its not as easy as it looks. We are concerned that the screen prints may up-stage the brooches! Any feedback is welcomed - please see reception for the visitor comments card. You can see our 'old' packaging in the corner....

Screen printing

We decided to improve our last packaging design by producing a 3 colour hand screen printed card - which comes in 3 different colour varieties - pink, blue and yellow. Here is the view from the drying racks...

Sunday 9 March 2014

Museum Packaging

We have taken the Ink drawings and worked them into some packaging designs - here one of the designers is working out colour ways for screen printing the final designs.

Friday 7 March 2014

Welcome to The Museum

Welcome to the museum - The design team have been hard at work designing new artwork to use in the gift shop and around the separate rooms. Here is a taster...
A sense of place